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Hillary Clinton choice of US establishment to avoid changes: Pundit

US Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton speaks to supporters during a rally in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania on July 29, 2016. (Photo by AFP)

A political analyst says Hillary Clinton, Democratic nominee for the US 2016 presidential election, is the choice of the establishment to avoid potential changes in its policies.

Dean Henderson, an author and political commentator, told Press TV’s Debate program on Friday that the US establishment has opposed the nomination of Bernie Sanders, former Democratic candidate for the 2016 presidential election, because Sanders raised some issues and called for changes, which are not in line with the policies of the establishment.

The Democratic Party as one of the main parts of the establishment does not want to take lessons from their experiences when it comes to hostility toward Russia and Iran as well as the initiation of wars in other parts of the world, the commentator noted.

The US Democratic presidential candidate has formally accepted the Democratic Party's nomination for the president of the United States during her nomination speech at the Wells Fargo Center in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, on July 28.

Henderson also blamed Clinton for taking the United States to the 2011 war in Libya, which left thousands of people dead and wasted Americans’ tax money.

According to the analyst, the Democratic nominee did not take responsibility for her email scandal and tried to put the blame on the Russians, while the American people want to know the reality in this respect.

As the former Secretary of State, Clinton used emails on the personal server to do business and did not hand then over to the State Department. 

Henderson concluded, “Clinton is going to lose the election,” because Donald Trump, Republican nominee of the US 2016 presidential election says what the American people want, which is better relations with other parts of the globe.

Also in the Debate program, Brent Budowsky, a columnist at The Hill, claimed Donald Trump is the Russian President Vladimir Putin’s choice to win the election.

However, he said, both Republican and Democratic nominees for the US 2016 presidential election gain more support after their conventions.

Clinton, a former first lady, senator and secretary of state, is the first female presidential nominee of a major US political party. Clinton will face Trump in the presidential election on November 8.

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