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Car bomb kills 12 Libyan soldiers in Benghazi

Fighters from the pro-government forces loyal to Libya’s Government of National Unity (GNA) hold a position as they target the Takfiri Daesh terrorist group in Sirte, June 23, 2016. (Photo by AFP)

At least a dozen Libyan soldiers have been killed in a car bomb attack in Libya’s eastern city of Benghazi, a military source says.

According to Lebanon’s Al-Ahd news website, the incident occurred on Wednesday at a Libyan army post in Kafur district, in western Benghazi. Some 35 soldiers were also injured.

Mohamed al-Azoumi, a spokesman for the Libyan army, said the car bomb targeted the administration building of Infantry Battalion 210, adding that among the fatalities were two senior commanders.

No group has yet claimed responsibility for the deadly bombing.

In a similar attack on Sunday, a convoy of cars carrying security officials in a western suburb of Benghazi was targeted with a bomb attack. At least two people were killed and seven others were wounded.

Also in late June, a car bomb attack near a hospital in the coastal city left four civilians dead and 14 others wounded.

Chaos has gripped Libya since its long-time dictator, Muammar Gaddafi, was toppled in 2011. Militants from Daesh, a Takfiri terrorist group mainly based in Iraq and Syria, have also taken root in Libya’s north.

Benghazi, one of Libya’s largest cities, has seen frequent clashes between forces loyal to the internationally recognized government, which is based in the country’s east, and the supporters of a militant government based in the capital, Tripoli.

The two rival governments achieved a consensus on forming a unity government last December after months of UN-brokered talks in Tunisia and Morocco in a bid to restore order in the oil-rich nation.

The unity government, however, has had difficulty taking over.

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