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Kuwait security forces bust 3 Daesh terrorist cells

A file photo of Kuwaiti police officers

Kuwaiti security forces have dismantled three Daesh terrorist cells that were preparing for attacks in the Persian Gulf state.

According to a statement released by Kuwait’s Interior Ministry on Sunday, five Kuwaiti citizens were arrested during the operations. All of them confessed to being members of the Takfiri terrorist group.

The statement noted that police are still looking for several people suspected of aiding the cells.

One of the arrested is 18-year old Talal Raja who has confessed to planning an attack on a Shia mosque and a government building at the end of the holy Muslim month of Ramadan.

The statement noted that the second cell was comprised of a mother and son who were initially arrested in Syria and sent back to Kuwait. The son had joined Daesh after his brother was killed while fighting for the group in Iraq.

Two Kuwaiti nationals were members of the third cell; one of whom was a police officer apprehended when in possession of two Klashnikov guns and ammunition.  

The security operations come one year after a Daesh-linked Saudi terrorist blew up a Shia mosque, killing some 26 people.

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