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Resistance front has upper hand in region: Commentator

This handout picture provided by the official website of The Center for Preserving and Publishing the Works of Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei, shows him delivering a speech to university students on July 2, 2016 in the capital Tehran.

Press TV has interviewed Mohammad Obaid, a political commentator in Beirut, to discuss the remarks made by Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei, saying Iran will not coordinate with the United States over issues in the Middle East, including the ongoing crisis in Syria.

A rough transcription of the interview appears below.


Press TV: Give us your assessment on the recent comments made by Ayatollah Khamenei.

Obaid: Well as it seems very clear now the conflict is just on the rise at all levels. We can see this in Aleppo, we can see this in several areas in Syria, we can see more support and supplies are being provided to the militants who are against the Syrian government and Syrian armed forces.

So what we see now is an attempt by the Americans to try to achieve anything and of course at this level we are going to see a reaction from the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution in order to abort any such attempts in order to prove to the Americans and underline to them that it won’t be possible to have any coordination at this level because you see although we have seen the nuclear  agreement, although we have seen many rapprochement steps but the conflict is still there, the competition is still there and each party is trying to prove that it has the upper hand.

The lucky thing for the Islamic Revolution and the Islamic state in Iran is that they are now achieving more and more advances, more and more victories on the ground in Syria and in many other areas. We can see this in the illogical and unreasonable steps taken by the enemies of the axis of resistance, we can see this as you have been mentioning earlier in the previous story in what is taking place in Bahrain and the irrational steps taken by the Saudis and their allies in the Bahraini government. So what we see now once again is that the conflict is taking higher steps. Each party is trying to achieve anything but still the Islamic Revolution, the Islamic Republic of Iran, the axis of resistance is still having the upper hand and this is what is making the Americans trying to do this to circumvent these advances through policies, politics sometimes, through more supplies to the militants and such.  

Press TV: Ayatollah Khamenei also spoke about the US animosity towards the Islamic Republic. That issue like in the past puts a big question mark over whether the United States can be trusted in the promises that it makes?

Obaid: Well to say what we have been seeing is that we have not seen one simple step by the US government showing that they are really seeking to have normalization of relations with the Iranians. On the contrary, all the time we see more and more measures such as in American courts some steps are taken against the Iranians and more harassment of the financial issues and banks, etc.

So the Americans have failed to prove that they are doing anything to gain the trust and the confidence of the Iranians. Look, you have to keep in mind that what the Americans did as for signing the agreement was not something that they have chosen to do. It was something of necessity, it was the necessity option because at that time they had no other option other than to sign that agreement with the Islamic Republic of Iran because if things were left the way they were, the advances of the Iranians will get to a non-return point and this would be very much at the nuclear level, I mean at nuclear projects and this is not in any way in the interest of the United States.  

Plus the Americans were planning to have something against the Russians in order to draw a new map in the region to try to have allies in the Middle East, if not enemies and if not allies, at least to have them on the sidelines, meaning taking no position when it comes to the main conflict which is taking place right now between the Americans and the Russians.

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