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Larijani reelection shows Iran politics dynamic: Academic

Iran's re-elected Parliament speaker Ali Larijani speaks following the announcement of the result in Tehran on May 29, 2016. (Photo by AFP)

Press TV has conducted an interview with Mohammad Marandi, a professor at the University of Tehran, about the reelection of Ali Larijani as the speaker of Iran’s parliament.

The following is a rough transcription of the interview.

Press TV: Please give us your views on the reelection of Ali Larijani as the Majlis speaker.

Marandi: I think first and foremost it is important to keep in mind that the election of Dr. Larijani as the speaker of the parliament shows how dynamic Iranian politics are and that unlike in some countries, parliament in Iran is unpredictable and it is not simply divided into different groups based on party affiliations. It shows that there’s a large degree of independence in the way in which the parliamentarians make decisions.

So, well some people were speculating that one faction won the election or one party or another party lost election. We saw that it showed just a couple of days ago it was almost impossible to figure out what the results for the internal parliamentary elections would be too. So, it shows that the Iranian politics is very dynamic.

There is a high degree of democracy. And Dr. Larijani is of course a highly experienced personality. He has been speaker of parliament before. He had a host of high-ranking positions. And of course he is a professor at the University of Tehran.

Press TV: Well, the new parliament was officially inaugurated on Saturday. What are some of the major immediate concerns facing the tenth Majlis?

Marandi: I think the most important problem is the economy, the recession that we’ve had over the last year and a half, two years have been fighting very hard and the parliament has to take the initiative and alongside experts in the field of economy find ways to help the government move the country out of recession. I think the number one, number two and number three priority right now for most Iranians is jobs and the economy.

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