Iran, India agree to expand cooperation in intelligence sharing

A handout picture provided by the office of Iranian President Hassan Rouhani on May 23, 2016 shows him and Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi attending a welcome ceremony in Tehran. (AFP)

These are some of the headlines we are tracking for you in this edition of Press TV's Top 5:

  • Iran and India agree to expand their cooperation in intelligence sharing, to counter terrorism, cyber crime and drug trafficking.
  • Iran is marking the thirty-fourth anniversary of the liberation of Khorramshahr from Iraqi forces during the imposed war of the 1980s.
  • Local Iraqi residents say Daesh terrorists are using homemade chemical weapons on prisoners being held in the northern Nineveh province.
  • The Syrian cities of Tartus and Jableh are reportedly hit by multiple bomb blasts, killing at least 100 people and injuring scores more.
  • Reports suggest British-made cluster bombs have been found in Yemen amid an international outcry against the use of the internationally banned munitions.

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