Ukrainians remember Chernobyl victims

A man lights a candle amid flowers in front of the monument to Chernobyl victims in Slavutich, some 50 kilometres (30 miles) from the accident site, and where many of the power station's personnel used to live, during a memorial ceremony early on April 26, 2016. © AFP

Here is a round-up of global news developments:

  • Iran’s Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif has lashed out at the United States over its failure to abide by its commitments under the nuclear deal. Zarif says Washington continues to scare businesses and banks not to work with Iran. He also condemned a US court ruling which orders the seizure of Iran’s frozen assets.
  • Thousands of supporters of Iraqi Shia cleric Moqtada al-Sadr rally in the streets of Baghdad to call for the implementation of political reforms. The protesters joined people who have been holding a sit-in in Tahrir Square since two weeks ago. The parliament is to press for a vote on a new government.
  • Daesh terrorists and Taliban militants have clashed in Afghanistan’s eastern Nangarhar province. The fighting, which took place in Haska Mina district, left a dozen people dead on both sides. The area which was under the control of the Taliban has recently fallen to ISIL.
  • The UN Food and Agriculture Organization says the war in Syria has destroyed the agricultural infrastructure, deteriorating the humanitarian crisis in the country. According to FAO, Syrian farmers are struggling with the lack of seeds needed to cultivate their land.
  • Syrians living near an oil field outside Shaddadah say Daesh terrorists used to ship oil to Turkey when the town was under their control. They say the terrorists sold the oil to Turkey in exchange for dollars and weapons. The Jabisah oil field is capable of producing 80,000 barrels per day.
  • An international medical charity says European governments have failed to act to save the lives of refugees in the Mediterranean Sea. Doctors Without Borders says it has re-launched its maritime rescue operations which were halted in January. Hundreds of refugees have died so far this year, trying to reach Europe by sea.
  • November 2015. According to a report by police monitoring group StopWatch, dozens of incidents involved children under fourteen. The report warns that using stun guns on children has serious effects on them as they're weak and vulnerable.
  • Ukrainians are marking the 30th anniversary of the world’s worst nuclear disaster at Chernobyl. People took part in memorial services across Ukraine to remember the victims of the catastrophe that claimed dozens of lives. Countless others died due to the long-term effects of radiation.


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