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Far-right groups seek more attacks on Muslims

File image of far-right groups in the UK

A new study has revealed that the far-right movement is seeking to organize attacks against Muslims in the UK.

According to the report by the anti-racist group Hope Not Hate, the movement has already been emboldened by foreign-born fascists.

The anti-racist group has also warned that “the increasingly radicalized ideology adopted by the UK’s far-right movement will lead to greater confrontation.”

The normalization of Islamophobic rhetoric by the mainstream media is also believed to have fueled the escalating tension.

This comes ahead of a planned demonstration by Polish neo-nazis in Manchester later in February in support of a “British white country.”

The report also suggests that “the numbers of those involved in more militant and violent groups are growing.”

61 far-right demos were staged in the UK last year, compared with 41 in 2014, although just eight attracted more than 150 people.

Meanwhile, members of the far-right group Pegida (Patriotic Europeans against the Islamisation of the West) are to hold a mass rally in Birmingham on Saturday.

Pegida UK’s followers are expected to meet at Birmingham International railway station before marching to Birmingham International Business Park. 

Opponents of Pegida will also demonstrate at Victoria Square in Birmingham.

“Birmingham is a diverse and multicultural city and we are proud of this. We stand against Pegida and their racist, Islamophobic and fascist views. Only twenty years ago, we had a genocide of Muslims in Europe, which began with a campaign of dehumanizing the Islamic community through propaganda and hate. Today, Pegida and other far-right groups are attempting to bring division to our city but we shall stand united. In contrast to the hate propaganda of Pegida, we shall be celebrating the richness and strength in our unity through music, food, and speeches," anti-Islamphobia activist Salma Yaqoob was quoted by the British media.


At the same time, Paul Weston, a former Ukip candidate who now heads anti-immigration group Pegida UK, has said Muslims should “not hold political power” in Britain.

Weston has also claimed that there is no Syrian refugee, describing all asylum seekers as “migrant invaders.”

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