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"Gitmo aims to destroy human being"

Shaker Aamer, the last British resident held at Guantanamo Bay walks along a residential street in London on December 15, 2015.

A former inmate of the US notorious Guantanamo Bay detention camp says the prison is being run with the aim of destroying a human being.

Shaker Aamer said: ”Guantanamo is being run by psychologists, by psychiatrists. They know nothing will affect us more than insulting our religion. Nothing will make us break like grabbing our Holy Koran and throw it in front of us or just opening it like that, you know, searching in them: ‘Oh, you know, you are hiding something."

He stressed that nobody is dangerous in Guantanamo challenging the US politicians who support the techniques used at the prison camp to try them out on themselves.

"All these senators, all these congressmen that agree with all the methods and they call it 'enhanced technique' lets practice that enhanced technique on you. Let's see is it torture or not," he said.

 Aamer was arrested in Afghanistan in 2001 but was never tried for an offence.

US authorities alleged that he was working for former al-Qaeda leader Osama Bin Laden and led a unit of Taliban militants in Afghanistan. Aamer denies this, saying he was in the country along with his family to work for an Islamic charity.

Aamer was the last British resident to have been released from Guantanamo Bay. On October 30, 2015 he flew into Biggin Hill Airport after 14 years of incarceration at the US military prison in Cuba. Born in Saudi Arabia, he moved to the UK in 1996 and has permission to live indefinitely in the country along with his British wife and their four children.

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