Saudis, Qatar & Turkey generously arm terrorists: Syria

Syrian Foreign Minister Walid Muallem speaks at a press conference after meeting with Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi in Beijing on December 24, 2015. AFP
  1. Leader of Iran's Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei is calling on the Muslim world to build a new Islamic civilization. He warned that the enemies aim to spark sectarian conflicts among Muslims. Ayatollah Khamenei made the remarks during a meeting with the participants of an international Islamic unity conference in Tehran.
  2. A huge bomb blast has claimed the lives of more than twenty people in Pakistan’s northwestern town of Mardan. Local authorities say a bomber rammed his explosive-laden bike into the entrance of a government building in the town. No group has claimed responsibility for the attack, yet.
  3. Syrian troops, backed by Hezbollah fighters, have retaken control of a military base in the town of Sheikh Miskeen in the southern province of Dara’a. The Syrian army has earlier liberated the central parts of the town from the al-Qaeda affiliated al-Nusra Front militants.
  4. Syria is pointing the finger of blame at Saudi Arabia, Qatar and Turkey for the ongoing terrorist attacks across the Arab nation. The Foreign Ministry says these states generously fund and arm the terrorists, in clear violation of a number of UN resolutions.
  5. The Daesh Takfiri group has lost more than half of the territories it occupied across Iraq following the liberation of the city of Ramadi. Iraqi media say the ISIL terrorists are now in control of 20 percent of the whole country. Back in 2014, they held 40 percent of the Iraqi territory.
  6. Israel says it will demolish a home belonging to a Palestinian accused of attacking settlers in the occupied West Bank. Authorities say the family home of Mohannad al-Halab in Sirda village will be razed within ten days. He was shot dead over an alleged stabbing attack in October.
  7. Gun violence in the US has claimed at least 27 lives on Christmas Day this year. At least two of the Christmas Day gun incidents qualified as mass shootings with four or more people targeted. An average of 12-thousand gun murders happen in the US each year.
  8. The father of an African-American teenager killed by Chicago police files a wrongful death lawsuit against the city. The lawsuit says officers shot Quintonio LeGrier without justification and failed to provide medical care as he lay bleeding on the floor. On Saturday, police killed the college student and a female neighbor.

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