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Pakistani army kills 53 militants near the Afghan border

The file photo shows pro-Taliban militants in Pakistan’s tribal region of South Waziristan near the Afghan border.

At least 53 militants have been killed in clashes with the Pakistani army in the country’s northwestern tribal region near the border with Afghanistan.

According to Turkey's Anadolu Agency, Pakistani troops launched an operation against pro-Taliban militants in the country’s restive region of South Waziristan on Thursday.

At least 10 militants and a soldier were killed in the clashes, which took place in the town of Laddah, 30 kilometers (18 miles) off the region’s administrative headquarters in Wana.

The South Waziristan clashes also left another soldier injured, Pakistani security sources said.

Earlier in the day, the Pakistani army launched airstrikes against the positions of pro-Taliban terrorists in North Waziristan, leaving 43 militants dead.

The attacks came three days after Pakistani airstrikes claimed the lives of 50 militants in the Shawal and Gharlamani areas of North Waziristan and 15 other militants in the Rajgal area of Khyber Agency.

Militant groups have been using the tribal regions on Pakistan’s border with Afghanistan as their hideouts over the past years. The al-Qaeda and Taliban militants use the mountainous border areas to launch attacks in both countries.

The Pakistani army has been waging a full-scale operation against militant hideouts in the violence-wracked regions since last June, when a deadly raid on the Karachi International Airport ended the government’s faltering peace talks with the pro-Taliban militants.

In another deadly militant attack on December 16, 2014, a group of pro-Taliban gunmen stormed an army-run school in Peshawar and killed about 150 people, including 132 students. Some 120 students were also injured in the raid.

According to Pakistan’s military, more than 2,800 militants have been killed over the past months.

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