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Bomb blasts in Iraq’s Baghdad Province kill 12

In this July 18, 2015 photo, an Iraqi man stands next to the wreckage of cars in the aftermath of a massive car bomb attack in the town of Khan Bani Saad, 20 km north of Baghdad. (AFP photo)

Three bomb attacks targeting civilians and security forces in Iraq’s Baghdad Governorate have killed at least 12 people and injured dozens more.

Security sources said Tuesday that three people were killed in a car bomb south of the Iraqi capital Baghdad.

According to al-Sumeriyah news channel, the explosive-laden car which was detonated near a gas station in Baghdad’s Zafarniyah district also injured 12 others.

A source speaking on condition of anonymity said those wounded in the attack were in critical condition.

Another attack targeting Baghdad's al-Jadidah neighborhood, east of the Iraqi capital, killed five civilians and injured 16 others, according to a report by Al Jazeera. 

Further to the north, an attack in Tarmiya district killed four security officers and injured eight others.

Unidentified sources said the blast came after a man attacked a joint command of police and military forces in Lakes area in the district, about 50 kilometers north of Baghdad.

No group has claimed the attacks, although they bear the hallmarks of attacks by ISIL, a terrorist group which is in control of some territories west and north of Iraq.

Iraqi armed forces and volunteer fighters have managed to purge ISIL militants from some key regions, although attacks by the Takfiri group have continued unabated in Baghdad and elsewhere in the Arab country.

The United Nations Assistance Mission for Iraq says a total of 1,466 Iraqis were killed and another 1,687 wounded in acts of terrorism, violence and armed conflict in June. According to the UN mission, the number of civilian fatalities stood at 665. Violence also claimed the lives of 801 members of the Iraqi security forces. In Baghdad alone, 324 civilians were killed last month.

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