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Muslim Brotherhood: Government planning to continue killing detainees

Gamal Heshmat, a senior member of the Muslim Brotherhood

Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood has warned that the military-backed government is “plotting to resume the killings of political prisoners.”

Senior Muslim Brotherhood member Gamal Heshmat said that Egyptian Interior Ministry itself is facilitating prison breaks to pave the way for killing detainees in mass.

Heshmat also said ousted dictator Hosni Mubarak caused jail breaks during the 2011 uprising when 5,000 inmates broke out of their cells.

Since the overthrow of former President Mohamed Morsi by former military chief and current President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi in 2013, Egyptian authorities launched a harsh crackdown on Morsi’s supporters.

Hundreds of people have been killed ever since and many of the Brotherhood members and supporters have been sentenced to death or jail.

According to reports, more than 1,400 people have been killed and 16,000 detained in crackdown on Morsi's supporters.

Morsi was sentenced to death by a court in the Egyptian capital Cairo earlier this year on charges of endangering national security and attempts to escape prison.

Reports say that nearly 270 prisoners of conscience have been killed inside Egypt’s detention centers since Morsi was overthrown.

Sisi who was elected head of state in May, has vowed to wipe out the group.

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