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Turkey turning blind eye to ISIL atrocities: Analyst

Men believed to be members of the ISIL Takfiri group stand as people carry belongings back to the Syrian town of Tal Abyad, on June 13, 2015. (© AFP)

Press TV has conducted an interview with Ibrahim Mousawi, a political analyst in Beirut, about a newly-released video showing Turkish border guards standing by and taking no action while the ISIL Takfiri terrorists block the civilians trying to flee the violence near Syria-Turkey border.

The following is a rough transcription of the interview.

Press TV: Why is Turkey so indifferent when it comes to these Daesh terrorists?

Mousawi: Well again and again it is the same story. We can simply say that Turkey is indifferent because it falls down and it boils down to its own interest what is happening there. The Takfiri groups are working in order to serve goals that boil down to the interest of Turkey, to the interest of Washington and other places.

When you talk about the UN resolutions, you are talking about words, you are talking about resolutions, you are talking about decisions that are not worth the ink that they are used to be written with. That is why I believe when it comes to ground, when it comes to the concrete level, you will see that most of these resolutions are being only inked out not to be respected and not to be put into effect. Contrary, the opposite of these resolutions are being enacted especially in Turkey.

We see very well that this is not happening only in Turkey but in other places as well. Many regional countries are helping the Takfiri groups though there are UN resolutions, though the Washington statements always urge them not to do so and we see at the same time that the coalition forces over Iraq, they see the military convoys of Daesh, of the ISIS and others doing nothing actually against them though you are talking about long convoys. Why is that, simply because it falls down and it serves the interests of the world arrogance, of the United States and many regional countries, especially Turkey.

When it comes to Turkey, at the same time by the same token we can say that a lot of videos and a lot of evidence have been brought on a daily basis by eye witnesses, by documents that the Turks are supporting these groups. We know very well that they are supporting them. This video that has been released and that we see now on your screen shows the same actually that those Takfiris have full support. They turn a blind eye [to] their actions against the civilians as if you are not talking here about sovereign countries that should respect not only the UN resolutions but also the basic human rights.   

Press TV: And finally, US President Barack Obama just very recently said Turkey has to do more to stop this cross border of people who want to join the Daesh terrorists and from these terrorist crossing the border back into Turkey. Do you think he is sincere when he says that?

\Mousawi: I doubt it actually. These kinds of statements are being littered with a lot they can do. When you talk about the United States they can do more than that. If Turkey has to do a lot and more than that, the Americans have to do more. When the Turkish authorities are not abiding by or have any kind of compliance with the UN resolutions, with what they should do when they fall short of doing their own, assuming their responsibility, the so-called international community should do something.

I believe this is not sincere enough to serve the interest of the people, of the innocent, but it is more or less a kind of let away with the blame of the people. We said what we want to say but things are going to continue the way they are being done now for long time unless a concrete action is going to be taken into effect. 


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