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US Congress playing ‘superfluous tactics’ over Iran nuclear deal

The US Congress is playing out superfluous tactics in order to undermine nuclear negotiations, an analyst says.

The United States Congress's meddling is actually a bipartisan tactical game in order to gain additional concessions for the US in nuclear negotiations between the Obama administration and Iran, an American political commentator says.

“This is another set of superfluous tactics really that are being played out by Congress,” Don DeBar told Press TV on Wednesday.

The analyst made the remarks after the Senate Foreign Relations Committee on Tuesday approved a bill that would allow Congress to review a potential final nuclear deal with Iran.

The legislation passed the committee in a 19-0 vote and it heads to a full Senate debate and vote.

Under the legislation, President Barack Obama should submit the final nuclear deal for congressional review and he would not be allowed to lift sanctions levied by Congress against Iran during the review period.

“The United States is not an honest negotiating partner because the real powers-that-be behind both Obama and the Congress have, and have had for decades, their own agenda towards Iran,” said DeBar.

He argued that “this manipulation of the political process in the United States is nothing but a negotiating tactic, a negotiating tool that allows everyone else to make all of their maximum concessions and then the US gets to go back for a double dip after this agreement has been reached in principle.”

“It’s a hardball negotiating strategy, but it undermines confidence in the United States by the other parties to the negotiations because even if a final agreement is reached yet again, there is this extra layer of renegotiation that is bound to take place,” he noted.

He argued that “the objective conditions around this process makes the whole thing look even a little more fantastic because the alleged reason for this entire affair is the allegation that Iran is trying to build a nuclear weapon.”

“Objectively speaking, the evidence indicates to the contrary very strongly - all of the inspections and everything that has been done in terms of objective measurement; there is none,” he added.


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