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Italy's capital witnesses anti-Renzi rallies

Italian Northern League (Lega Nord) party leader Matteo Salvini (foreground) speaks during a rally against the Italian government

Max Civili
Press TV, Rome

Some 50,000 people from across Italy gathered in central Rome to support a demonstration against Prime Minister Matteo Renzi called by anti-immigrant and anti-euro Northern League party. The initiative was also joined by neo-fascist Casapound, a group that often operates at the fringe of legality.

The Northern League party is accusing Renzi of not being able to restore confidence among Italy's market players. The recently introduced reform of the labor market, also known as Jobs Act, has been slammed by the League as too weak while the country needs robust.

growth-boosting measures and heavy tax cuts to try to put an end at the financial crisis that sparked in 2008.The Northern League believes that Renzi's political agenda of austerity has been dictated by the European Union at the expense of ordinary citizens struggling in the long economic slump.

Despite its traditional anti-southern stance, the Northern League party now needs the support of southern Italy electorate to take the leading opposition role on the right of the Italian politics.That’s why the party’s leader Matteo Salvini started a charm offensive four weeks ago in south of the country shifting his party’s wrath away from ‘’corrupt and thieving Rome” to campaign against the euro and immigration.


The Northern League demonstration sparked a mobilization from left-wing grassroots movements, unions, and opposition parties, who also marched on Saturday under the banner "Never With Salvini". While, according to recent surveys, centre-left Democratic Party holds a commanding lead in opinion polls, right-wing Northern League has overseen a resurgence since Matteo Salvini became its leader, more
than a year ago.

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