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US using Ukraine as a ‘launching pad to destabilize region’: Analyst

The US is using the ongoing crisis in Ukraine as a launching pad to destabilize the region.

The United States is using the ongoing crisis in Ukraine as a launching pad to destabilize the entire region, a political commentator says.

“The US will never leave Ukraine until it can be used as a launching pad to destabilize the entire region,” Joaquin Flores, Director of Center for Syncretic Studies, told Press TV on Sunday.

He made the comments when asked about recent remarks by former US congressman Ron Paul who had said that it would be in the best interest of the Ukrainian people if all foreign entities, including the United States and NATO states, stay out of the country.

Paul said that the government of ousted Ukraine’s President Viktor Yanukovych had been replaced in a "fascist coup" last year.

Flores described “US interference” in Ukraine as a reason behind the current situation in the country.

“The new government in Kiev is primarily controlled by the US,” he said.

The analyst also noted that the government in Kiev is an occupation government.

“Over a million Ukrainians have been displaced due to shelling by its own government, but sovereign governments normally don’t behave this way and it is the US which will ultimately have to answer these horrendous crimes against humanity,” Flores said.

He concluded that the United States is not a “reliable partner in peace.”

The fighting between the Ukrainian army and pro-Russia forces in eastern Ukraine has taken a heavy toll since mid-April 2014.

More than 5,500 people have been killed and some 12,200 wounded in the conflict, according to the United Nations. Around 1.5 million people have been forced to leave their homes over the past months.


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