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Rocket attack kills 2 policemen in SW Pakistan

Pakistani policemen inspect a damaged police car at a shooting site in Lahore, Pakistan. (File photo)

At least two policemen have been killed after a rocket struck a motorcade of a senior police officer and his family in Pakistan’s violence-plagued southwestern province of Balochistan.

Local authorities said on Sunday that the incident took place as district police chief, Asghar Ali Yusufzai, was travelling with his family from Khuzdar district to the port city of Gwadar, located more than 2,000 kilometers (1,242 miles) southwest of the capital, Islamabad, on Saturday evening.

"The vehicle carrying Yusufzai and his family came under rocket attack as they passed Pasni town," said Balochistan Home Secretary Akbar Durrani. 

The senior police officer and his family escaped the assault unscathed.

Meanwhile, a military officer was killed and two others seriously wounded on Sunday after a powerful explosion ripped through their vehicle.

The officers were on routine patrol, when their car ran over a buried explosive device in Nasirabad district of Balochistan Province.

No group has yet claimed responsibility for the acts of terror, through, the deadly attacks bear the hallmarks of similar assaults by pro-Taliban militants.

Pro-Taliban militants and some Baloch militant groups often carry out attacks against security forces as well as civilians in Pakistan and have managed to spread their influence in various regions of the country despite frequent offensives by the Pakistani army.


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