Reports2 months ago
Islamic Movement in Nigeria rally in Abuja to condemn Israeli genocide in Gaza
The Islamic Movement in Nigeria holds a protest against the massacre of innocent Palestinians in Gaza by the Israeli military.
Islamic Movement in Nigeria rally in Abuja to condemn Israeli genocide in Gaza
Nigeria2 months ago
Nigeria: Troops deployed to rescue 250 kidnapped schoolchildren
Nigeria’s president sends the country’s troops to rescue more than 250 kidnapped students.
Nigeria: Troops deployed to rescue 250 kidnapped schoolchildren
Nigeria2 months ago
Gunmen abduct over 250 children from school in Nigeria
At least 100 children, aged 12 or under, are among those abducted from a town in Nigeria.
Gunmen abduct over 250 children from school in Nigeria
Reports3 months ago
Grand reception for Sheikh Zakzaky upon return from Iran medical trip
Supporters of prominent Nigerian Muslim cleric Sheikh Zakzaky have staged a grand reception to welcome him back home following a medical trip to Iran.
Grand reception for Sheikh Zakzaky upon return from Iran medical trip
Reports3 months ago
Anger, protests as Nigeria grapples with surging inflation, plummeting currency
Nigerians are facing one of the West African country's worst economic crises in years as the currency has fallen to a record low.
Anger, protests as Nigeria grapples with surging inflation, plummeting currency
Reports3 months ago
Hijab women still persecuted in Nigeria
A Coalition of Nigerian Muslim Women has held a national conference called: “Hijab strengthening the body and soul” in light of the world hijab day which takes place on February first every year.
Hijab women still persecuted in Nigeria
Nigeria4 months ago
Gunmen kill Nigerian traditional monarch, kidnap wife
The attackers stormed the palace of Oba Aremu Olusegun Cole in southwestern Kwara state.
Gunmen kill Nigerian traditional monarch, kidnap wife
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